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The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark of The United Methodist ChurchThe Cross and Flame is a registered trademark of The United Methodist Church



The United Methodist Church is a 12.3-million-strong global church that opens hearts, opens minds and open doors through active engagement with our world.

A prayer

Let us rejoice now, with our trust in Christ who has quenched our thirst with the wine of God’s love. Do not be silent about God’s faithful love, but shelter in the warmth of God’s wings and keep your hearts honest. And may God rejoice over you and call you “My Delight.” May Christ Jesus bring out the best in you, to his glory; And may the Spirit equip you all with gifts for the common good. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, Amen.

Our Mission

La Conner United Methodist Church, striving to follow the Mission given by Jesus Christ to his followers, to be and to "make disciples….,” understand ourselves called to provide warm welcoming hospitality, inspirational worship and intentional spiritual formation that will sustain and encourage all who enter our church and be moved by our ministries in the community and the world.

To become a supporter of Laconner UMC and help us promote happiness, harmony, and peace on Earth, you can make a donation. We accept help from individuals and corporate entities. You may leave a donation in one of our donation boxes, located in the lobby of each of our offices, or participate in our corporate sponsorship program.