Laconner UMC opened a regional center in United States.
The United Methodist Church is a 12.3-million-strong global church that opens hearts, opens minds and open doors through active engagement with our world.
God of miracles and truth, bless us— bless us wherever we are as we gather our thoughts and prayers in this time of worship. Reveal your presence in our midst and open our hearts and minds to receive your miraculous love.
May we be witnesses to the mighty power of resurrection and new life in Christ Jesus, as we are called to become instruments of your mighty power of love and new life. Amen.
La Conner United Methodist Church, striving to follow the Mission given by Jesus Christ to his followers, to be and to "make disciples….,” understand ourselves called to provide warm welcoming hospitality, inspirational worship and intentional spiritual formation that will sustain and encourage all who enter our church and be moved by our ministries in the community and the world.
Reaching out beyond Sunday morning...A simple prayer we may use... Loving and healing God, restore everyone we pray for; if they are worried, bring them peace. If they are broken, mend their spirits. If they are sick or dealing with infirmities, cure their bodies and renew their strength. If relationships with family and friends are broken between them or us, reunite them with the community that cares about them. May we be present for them and them with us, so we all may experience your grace and healing. In your precious name we pray. Amen. | The Ministers of this congregation are: All of us! Those who assist are...• Pastor: Rev. Jacob Kanake • Director of Music: Lynette McCormack • Pianists: Aaron Dull, Karen Rentko, and Judy Robinson • Greeters and Ushers: Mary Ann Musgrove, Alan Mesman, and Richard Alvord | Praise be to God!Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
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